Management of the Contract Lifecycle for Law Firms

gavel and hands shaking for contract

As technology takes over the globe, the legal sector is well aware of its power. Even the larger, more established businesses are moving forward with the adoption of technology in significant ways. However, not all of these initiatives are successful. Automating legal administrative tasks and manual labour is essential for modern law firms to save costs and develop a productive, cutting-edge, and client-focused practise.

Let us take a practical look at what a Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) is, why law firms ought to utilise one, what kinds of document management systems are available for law firms, and how to choose the best one.

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Why should Law Firms tie knots CLM?

Even while utilising a document management system may tremendously assist all organisations, specific issues with law firm document management can only be resolved by a legal document management system. Attorney-client confidentiality can be jeopardised when other businesses can get off to a cheap start with shared cloud-based file storage and email system, thus a legal firm cannot use it.

Numerous confidentiality and privacy laws that govern how these papers should be handled, accessed, and preserved place a significant burden on almost all legal firms.

➔ Complete transparency:
One of the main responsibilities of in-house counsel is to keep a record of all contracts. Nonetheless, they are human, and their effectiveness in managing each contract has a ceiling. It's nearly difficult for any in-house lawyer to keep track of the current state of multitudes of ongoing contracts. However, neglecting to do so exposes you to legal and commercial consequences. As a result, every legal team needs CLM software to analyse terms, reduce risks, manage progress, and reviewal dates, and have a 360-degree perspective of each contract.

➔ Increased efficiency and reduced responsibilities
Many of the contracts in a firm are routine and simple enough for non-legal teams to handle. Non-legal departments like HR and Sales may generate simple everyday contracts like Employee Agreements and invoices on their own using CLM systems, which give a wide selection of contract templates. Internal teams will no longer have to rely on legal teams to produce small contract agreements, freeing up time for the legal team to engage in higher-level legal and strategic operations. It will assist in-house counsel in better understanding the firm's needs and objectives. Furthermore, in-house counsels can review current contracts, assess the strategy of other legal teams, and limit risks.

➔ Streamlined Collaboration:
In-house counsels may stop bouncing between communications and third-party software to evaluate or negotiate contracts with internal teams and counterparties, thanks to built-in CLM capabilities for encrypted inter-and intra-team interaction.

➔ Approvals in a reasonable timeframe:
Contracts must be steered via several departments, which necessitates cooperation between the legal and other teams. With CLM technologies, in-house counsel may engage with internal teams with simplicity and efficiency. It automates the contract preparation and regulatory approval, removing the need for in-house counsels to go between departments to execute contracts.

➔ Credible Storage-retrieval tools:
The amount of data generated by contracts is enormous, necessitating the use of a sophisticated database. Manual contract administration is prone to issues such as loss, fraud, data breach, significant damage, and so on, adding to the legal team's already heavy task of having to resubmit the same papers. Stocking and refiling paper-based contracts consume both time and expense. In-house counsels, on the other hand, may utilise CLM software's cloud storage and powerful search criteria to quickly obtain desired contracts-documents, avoiding the pain of trawling through hundreds of other papers. Cloud storage provides a safe sanctuary for all of the legal team's contracts, allowing only authorised individuals to view them.

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In addition to assisting with document storage and organisation, a CLM tool for legal firms also automatically monitors any related metadata, such as the case number, client, opposing counsels, etc. This ensures that all pertinent information is current and always available. It has the potential to dramatically alleviate their discomfort. With CLM technologies, in-house counsel may provide more lucrative solutions than just handling legal concerns. With the increased demand for in-house counsel who can work quickly and proactively, it's past time for businesses to embrace CLM technologies.

Legal teams can effortlessly migrate from manual to automated contract procedures with one-stop-CLM solutions - #Manucontract. Want to know how? Book a free trial or request a demo with #Manucontract today!