Redesign your dashboard with Manucontracts!

a comprehensive dashboards with images

Every day, organizations engage with thousands of contracts.

Controlling operational, financial, and regulatory risks becomes increasingly difficult when numerous contracts are in progress at the same time. When the contract ends, you risk operational gaps, needing to renew at a considerably higher market price, or compromising compliance with environmental regulations or internal policy.

Many firms, however, still lack the tools and employees necessary to handle contracts and related activities. Contract lifecycle management tools can help with this. This tool maintains legal papers, assists you with the contracting procedure, and even keeps track of your post-signing responsibilities.

However, not all contract management tools are equal. Contract management dashboards are available in just a few CLM products, and they provide crucial contract insights at a glimpse. Are you looking for a contract management dashboard to help you acquire better contract analytics?

Let's get started!

Why do you should replace your dashboard with Manucontract Dashboard -

So, here is the thing about our automated dashboard, with Manucontracts you can enable the most powerful tool for your contract analytics and risk management. Contract Management dashboard like Manucontract’s, allow you to make a data-driven decision for the company’s growth using the latest and most accurate contact data.

Transform Your Contract Management

Find Out How ?

1. Gives a visual representation of the contract's status.

A contract management dashboard should be a short window that displays your contract management progress. It should, preferably, provide you with the most critical contract management KPIs for measuring your productivity.

  • The following are some of the contract management performance indicators:
    • The time it takes for a contract to be written and signed.
  • The number of outstanding contracts, the frequency of modifications, and the length of the approval procedure is all examples of collaboration and processing metrics that may be measured.
  • The number of contracts that have been moved to business units.

2. The dashboard can assist you in meeting contract deadlines. If you're wondering how many contracts we're still working on, the answer is a lot. Where are the impediments, too?

In a flash, a contract management dashboard can show you the current status of all your contracts. You'll be able to see how many contacts are outstanding, how many are in development, what's still awaiting the approval process, and how much each contract is worth.

Contract effectiveness is an essential contract management key performance indicator. This measure includes the following:

  • Obtaining payment for unfulfilled agreements and avoiding unpaid dues from renewed contracts
  • Make certain you don't forget to complete an action item
  • Identifying the contract renewal risk of recurrence

3. Reduces the likelihood of contract non-compliance.

Contract terms and conditions must adhere to contract law as well as public policy. It entails keeping contracts safe, providing consistent service, and keeping them up to date. Dashboards improve the contracting process by keeping track of all issued contracts and the team members who are in charge of them.

The contract management dashboard displays the following information:

  • As a result, restricting who has access to a contract is necessary
  • Audit logs are used to track changes
  • Contracts that are about to expire and have automatic warnings
  • Document statuses that are transparent
  • History of complaint resolution

Get on top of your Contracts

Increase contract visibility, minimize risk, and never miss any obligation milestone or date.

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4. Allows you to concentrate on closing mission-critical contracts.

Even in contract management, prioritisation is crucial. Though most contracts are beneficial in terms of money, some demand less attention than others. This is particularly true for standard contracts like nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) and other HR-related paperwork.

The following contract lifecycle management metrics are required:

  • All periodic contracts' annualised contract value (ACV), including those that are renewed and those that are not
  • Perfect fulfillment of the contract requirement, allowing you to initiate contract discussions with that specific partner.
  • Analyze prior performance and tendencies in order to reproduce the most efficient processes while improving the ineffective ones.

Manucontract, is the easy way to manage Contracts!

When it concerns contracts, you'll want to double-check everything. Your team should be able to rapidly determine what they require using the contract management dashboard. You can not just keep count of what's been performed and what has to be addressed with Manucontracts dashboards. You'll also make sure everything runs smoothly. Know as quickly as possible whether there are roadblocks, bottlenecks, or gaps in contract fulfillment. Your company's production and profitability will not suffer as a result of this.